Notes from Southeast Asia: The contents of this blog reflect only my opinions and thoughts and are in no way associated with the U.S. Goverment, the U.S. Peace Corps or the Royal Thai Goverment

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Kroo Faang

Hello all. I unfortunately don't have a lot of time but I just wanted to get out a quick word because it has been a while. I have been doing A LOT and have been through quite a bit of ups and downs. As a summary, I visited my new home. All I really can do now is just sigh. I am writing this at the end of my frustration so I feel more ok with my new home but a couple of days ago I was on the verge of being angry with the Peace Corps for placing me where they did. I had two requests: to not be in a city and to not work in a big school. I now live in a city and work in two big schools. BUT my coteachers are fantastic and I have met some absolutely amazing people - all of whom want nothing but to take me as their own. I haven't spent a single baht in the past 5 days. I have been to two large parties, one of which is called a bettoong. It is located at a temple and - gosh, I'll have to explain more later. The teachers from one of the schools at which I am working gave me a new Thai nickname (nicknames are huge in Thailand): "Faang" (said with a rising tone instead of a mid tone! If you say faang with a mid tone and shorten the a sound then you are saying "listen") It means rice tree. And it was explained to me that this name was chosen because like the rice is a staple for the Thai people, so am I useful to and wanted by the country. So I thought that was pretty neat. My supervisor is back and now we have to actually work!! We have been traveling around all day - going to the talat, going to the post office, and then lunch, now it is 2:00 and we will finally get some work done...or maybe not. The picture included is of me playing soccer with some of the kids that live around The Chang (the shack where we like to hang out when we meet in the city) . I'll write more when I can!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I assume it's fate that you're at a large, urban school. Good ol' fate - never lets me down!